Dec 19, 2012

The Rape Capital

The Rape Capital doesn't allow me to sleep.

Humanity? Is that what we crave for? Does it even exist?

Every other day a woman is raped in this city. A few hours back, a girl was gangraped in a moving bus.
She is fighting against death. You and I will eventually forget this incident and move on with our lives but even if that girl survives, will she ever be able to live?

She wasn't raped because she was drunk. She wasn't raped because she was wearing skimpy clothes. She wasn't raped because she was travelling alone.

She was raped because someone raped her. That someone is a part of your city. He walks in front of you, behind you, beside you. He follows you everywhere. He lives inside you.

Sleep blurs into memory and lies awake in the arms of darkness. Flashes of Breaking News knock at the inner folds of my mind. Translucent dreams meet the night's ink pot and drift away into hateful nightmares. The Rape Capital doesn't allow me to sleep.

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