Jan 9, 2013

Why Indians need to look within than look for a Lokpal

“Our politicians are just a microcosm of the general population. It is not that they are just the bunch of us who are the most corrupt, ignorant, unethical and abusive. Just that their position, power and public scrutiny amplifies everything. So what am saying is we are as sick as our nation and our nation is sick because of us. Let’s come to terms with it. (And create a cultural revolution in the country being the change ourselves in every small way possible)”
That was my observation a few months ago as a status message on Facebook. And to me it seems more appropriate now than ever with such anarchy in administration of this country. Though a few friends liked it then, I have had vehement opposition to this ideology by some who hold their nation so close to their hearts that calling it sick is very taboo. To them and all who may have a similar feeling a good answer is my friend’s comment then, who said:
“Good thought Aravind. until we realize, accept and improve our own moral standards and principles we shouldn’t talk (bad) about politicians. Indeed they just reflect our own culture in a magnified way as you rightly said.
I think it is very evident the nation is sick. Calling it sick and feeling sick are entirely different. It is feeling sick or the health of the nation that we are talking about and definitely our nation is sick because of each one of us.”
I feel it is high time we the educated and the elite come to terms that our ethics and culture have degraded. Our sense of apathy is alarming. Ignoring everything except what is self-fulfilling has become a staple of our modern Indian society. Mutual respect, regard  for rules and a value for even another life seems non-existent. Just stepping outside our homes, we litter the roads with right, violate traffic rules without regard and pass obliviously open drainages and popping power cables that take young lives away.
This is not the case in just my city but every city, town and village across India. As an educated individual reading this you may never want to associate yourself with the culture that am talking about taking shape in India and may probably want to advise me to look at myself before complaining. You may take it too personally and loose perspective as has happened with my friends. But all you can do in your support is throw in irrelevant examples from history and mythology to show how great a culture we are for just another fallacy of argument. And this is the worst you can do given the ground reality.
Just look outside right now and why is it that your road is littered while your home is clean? Why is that somewhere in your city an open drainage is over flowing while vehicles and buses full of people pass right by it? Why is that in every traffic signal you see someone jumping the red light and scores of others following? Why do you see people drunk, diseased or probably dead lying on the streets while people just pass by? Why do whole communities of poor people seem to live in extremely unhygienic conditions by a river side which is more of a very polluted drainage? Why do you see kids working at grocery shops, mechanic shops and restaurants if you and everyone you know never does business with such establishments?
I have seen this all. You know you have. So why do such conditions prevail and continue to get worse by the day? The answer is it is not because there are just a few of us who are unethical, culture-less and flout laws that we are seeing such a society. It is not because just the Govt. is apathetic and corrupt we have such chaos. And it is not that people are so poor and powerless in this democracy that they have no option but to live in such conditions. It is just that we are all the same, without strong ethics, flouting rules to varying extents and turning a blind eye to the anarchy and underdevelopment around us being too lazy to do something about anything. Apathy, ignorance and laziness have become the fabric of our culture.
If you see some common man litter the road today just know that tomorrow the same person when in power will have no hesitation to let an industry pollute an entire river. Especially when he can get a kickback for not enforcing effluent treatment. And the industry pollutes because it doesn’t have the ethics and not one employee in the entire company cares about the health of his society. The people who are affected don’t care because they are ignorant and most importantly indifferent to what the pollution can do to them and their children over time. All they care is the freebies thrown by the Govt. during elections who they blindly vote to be corrupt and keep them in a state of ignorance and underdevelopment. The judiciary and law enforcement (Police) is silent because it is made of the same fabric the Govt. is and the society is.
Our society urgently needs to be rid of this cultural disease. It is not the Anna Hazare or Ramdev revolution that is going to help. They are only spreading more anarchy in the already weak democracy and republic our country has become. Such activism rising in itself is a symptom of a wasting disease our nation has acquired. If X and Y with a few lakh followers can stage mass protests against our own democratically elected Govt. and we support it, we are only making a mockery of our own parliamentary and judiciary systems. Instead of strengthening our democracy we are spreading antipathy towards it creating and feeding forces outside the parliamentary democracy.
Change can happen only when common people like us come to terms with the degraded culture and morality of our society and choose to change ourselves in every small way for common good and take action spreading the revolutionThe cultural and moral fabric of our society needs to be cleansed at an individual level. We can have a Lokpal bill to empower everyone to take action but before that we need enlightenment in everyone that we really don’t need a Lok Pala, an ombudsman, an overseer. What we need is a culture where each individual oversees himself to high standards of integrity, accountability and morality. Every individual, the “I”, the Indian, needs to be a Pala, a protector – of himself, his country and its people.

Dec 20, 2012

A disease which we can cure

Stop Hoping that all rape victims die. Stop saying that she's as good dead. Stop talking about her Married Life.

Stop it.

Because if all you care about is an 'unused' woman whose Hymen you'll break and whose 'Maang' will be filled by your sindoor you are as perveted as the Culture that gave you such ideas and rears people who rape.

A woman's body is a body. Like anybody it has parts. Not just faces followed by breasts which are followed by a vagina. No, there are other parts. Like an ass, that'll fart in your face if you touch it without its permission.

Also, Women's bodies aren't meant to distract men or to seek favors from them. They have hands and legs and when they are paraplegic, they have willpower to move the world even as they sleep.

Their shapes aren't for you to judge and qualify or to choose from. If you do that, and you are reading this post, your crush will crush you.

Now, let me tell you how you treat other people's bodies. You don't stare at them. You don't touch them without their permission. You don't discuss them under any circumstance. You don't judge people on the basis of their bodies- its color, shape or anything.

And if you do, You are like cancer. Invading without permission. A disease. A discomfort. And you will be treated like one.

Dec 19, 2012

Are They Humans?

The bus driver ram singh went out with his 6 friends . The girl and the guy was called by the driver and were given proper tickets ( the bus was a school bus with black curtains .. Not permitted for transport use ) the girl was 23 a very good student and wanted to reach dwarka mor.
After they got in , the guys hit a rod on the guys's head and threw him out , then raped the girl one by one which was moving continuously in the posh areas of delhi and ncr. 
After raping her badly , one of them inserted a very long rod in her vagina which almost killed her and threw her out and ran away.

She was lying in the middle of the road hurt and nude.. Not even single person helped her or covered her for an hour. 

When police came in no one helped them pick her up. They were just not interested at all.

The girl's vagina + small and large intestine is totally damaged and she cannot live a married or normal life. Doctor said " main bayan nahi kar sakta ki ussne kya kya zheela hai ... Bolte hue muzhe dard hota hai ". She has gone in coma 5 times from 16th dec. She is unconscious , critical and is still crying. The ribs are damaged as well.

That's the whole story
And that's what delhi people are.
And her only fault was that she took a wrong bus

You have sisters , mothers , daughters and soo many females at home.
Please don't sit and relax
Its not that small deal ... Its bout your families safety..

The Rape Capital

The Rape Capital doesn't allow me to sleep.

Humanity? Is that what we crave for? Does it even exist?

Every other day a woman is raped in this city. A few hours back, a girl was gangraped in a moving bus.
She is fighting against death. You and I will eventually forget this incident and move on with our lives but even if that girl survives, will she ever be able to live?

She wasn't raped because she was drunk. She wasn't raped because she was wearing skimpy clothes. She wasn't raped because she was travelling alone.

She was raped because someone raped her. That someone is a part of your city. He walks in front of you, behind you, beside you. He follows you everywhere. He lives inside you.

Sleep blurs into memory and lies awake in the arms of darkness. Flashes of Breaking News knock at the inner folds of my mind. Translucent dreams meet the night's ink pot and drift away into hateful nightmares. The Rape Capital doesn't allow me to sleep.